Silicone cat litter, which looks white and granular, is used as a filler for cats and other animals, bringing a whole new approach to pet poop disposal.Belongs to the category of pet cleaning products, is a kind of the latest model, the most ideal pet garbage cleaning agent, with the traditional cat litter products cannot be compared with the peculiar effect.It can not only absorb the pet's liquid urine, solid feces, but also quickly and comprehensively absorb the smell, so as to keep the pet healthy and keep the air fresh.
タイプ | ペット用クリーニング&グルーミング用品 |
素材 | 二酸化珪素 |
密度 | 0.4 - 0.5g/ml |
アプリケーション | キャッツ |
サイズ | 1-8mm or according to the customer's requests |
カラー | 白+3%color(ピンク、イエロー、グリーン、パープル、ブルー、レッド、etc.) |
臭気 | カスタマイズされた臭気 |
MOQ | 10T |
吸着容量 | 98% |
配送の詳細 | 注文確認後、7~25日以内 |
MOQ | 商品とお金の不要な浪費を避けるための低MOQ。 |